List of All Features!
- WordPress Iris color picker implementation
- Ability to add an image at the top of optin
- Ability to change Main Background Color
- Custom Title and Subtitle text
- Custom Title and Subtitle colors
- Custom Placeholder text for Name Field
- Custom Placeholder text for First Name Field
- Custom Placeholder text for Last Name Field
- Custom Placeholder text for Email Field
- Ability to replace Full Name with First Name or First Name + Last Name fields.
- Ability to change Title Font Size
- Ability to change Input Fields Height
- Ability to use button image instead of text button
- Custom Button Text
- Ability to change button color
- Ability to change button text color
- Custom Thank you page url
- Custom redirect url for already subscribed users
- Ability to change Privacy Policy Text
- Ability to change Privacy Policy Text Color
- Ability to link optins with a specific form in Aweber
- Ability to add meta tracking ID
- Multiple Forms on single page
- Ability to add Custom CSS
- Premium Support